Thursday, April 22, 2010

Personal Experience: Scott T

For me, the experience of going to Kenya with World of Difference is hard to put into words. I think the best way for me to describe it would be to give you a excerpt out of my journal that I kept while there:


“Jonathan asked me to speak in front of the group this morning. I talked about George Kisi (a Kenyan I just met last night), and the story he told me of his friend’s arm being cut off during the violence in Kenya last year. I spoke about the genuine forgiveness that Kisi had for the person that did that to his friend. I couldn’t believe he could be so forgiving, but it was a powerful testament to me. A lesson to take home and use in my own life. Thank you Kisi.

I also wanted to express how, when I was on the roof we put together as a group last night, the overwhelming sense of COMMUNITY and FRIENDSHIP I felt. What a strong bond, and powerful connection to everyone and everything around me.

Such an amazing place!!!!
P.S. I know that I have your strength Trudi, thanks sis.
“We are not poor, we just do not have any money”
-Director of the Shanglia Orphanage in 2007 ( passed away)”

The children that we met were so special. I did get the opportunity to teach a couple classes to these children one day, thanks to a couple WOD members. My topic, I found out, was

Be True, Be Clean….HIV/AIDS.

I am not a teacher, but I found with an open and loving heart, anything can be accomplished. Each child had written on a scrap of paper questions that they had for me. I would like to share some of those questions with you.

These children were only 10-12 years old. The experience I had trying to help answer these questions was one of the most powerful days in life. World of Difference not only changes lives in Kenya, but they have opened my eyes and heart to the world at large.

I follow Scott, and you should too, on his blogs Big Willy's Space and Tweak Your Senses :)


Dori Jennings said...

Thank you for sharing this with us, Scott. I remember when you spoke that morning about Kisi; it was extrememly moving then, and hearing it again now is an excellent reminder in the power and importance of forgiveness.

Dori Jennings said...

Oh and PS! I have another comment! The night we built the roof WAS an amazing night, and one I will never forget. The fluidity and teamwork...everyone from so many different walks of life united for a common cause - I am so thankful to have had that experience!

Despite the fact we were all pulling cement chunks out off ourselves and exhaling cement dust for hours (days?) to come :D

Anonymous said...

This is great! Thanks, Scott!

jDanger said...

Wow Scott...seems like yesterday that I remember you talking about that and now here we are, almost a year later. Oh how the river of life just takes us away!! Thanx for helping me remember!!